Why I Love the Summit Church

Why I Love the Summit Church

Why I Love the Summit Church OK, there are lots of rea­sons, but being fun is a good start When I asked asked Dan­ny Franks of the Sum­mit Church about our doing some­thing nice for the staff, this is what he said: (excerpt of the reply I got from Dan­ny Franks of the...
Late Fall at Duke Gardens

Late Fall at Duke Gardens

Late Fall at Duke Gar­dens We took a late fall walk around the Duke Gar­dens and I’m always struck by some­thing new. Each trip has dif­fer­ent light, dif­fer­ent things bloom­ing, we take a dif­fer­ent path. And the Gar­dens staff keeps adding, chang­ing and,...
What’s a week like for a pro photographer?

What’s a week like for a pro photographer?

What’s a week like for a pro photographer? A peek as we cov­er a Broad­way cast par­ty, a live the­atre show in NY, and stay up wayyy to late Peo­ple often won­der what we do for a liv­ing… so here’s a fair­ly rep­re­sen­ta­tive week.   (please watch in...
Durham Skyline from DPAC

Durham Skyline from DPAC

Durham Skyline From DPAC with some cool reflections added in for good measure View of Durham from DPAC (with bonus reflections): I love the view looking toward downtown Durham from DPAC, and shooting through DPAC’s windows can do a number of cool additions that...
What’s it like on a professional theatre photo shoot?

What’s it like on a professional theatre photo shoot?

What's it like on a professional theatre photo shoot? a behind the scenes peek at an advance press photo shoot for My Fair Lady What’s it like on a professional theatre photo shoot? A lot more goes into promoting a theatre show than you might guess. For My Fair...

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